Congratulations on the Ukraine's Independence Day

FOUN members
August 24, 2024

As we celebrate Ukraine's Independence Day the members of the Friends of Ukraine Network (FOUN) would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the Ukrainian people.

Dyen Nezhalestnosti is Independence Day for Ukraine. But it is also Freedom Day for the world. Ukraine and the Ukrainian people did not choose to be the torch-bearers for global independence and freedom, but it is the fate that befell them. A deep bow of gratitude from freedom-loving peoples across the globe that the Ukrainian people have risen to the occasion and serve as an inspiration for all mankind!

З Днем Незалежності вітаю вас дорогі українці, великий незламний та нескорений нарід! Сьогодні також день свободи і незалежності цілому світі. Україна не вибрала буте світовий світлоносець але доля так засудила і ми свідки цієї боротьби. Світло все переможе темряву. Україні глибокий поклін, пошана і вдячність від цілого світу.
Слава Україні! Героям Слава! До Перемоги!

Charles M. Becker
Research Professor of Economics
Duke University
Brothers and Sisters in Ukraine,
As you celebrate your Independence, I want to applaud your courage, and your determination.  They are a model for all to follow.
Be well, stay safe,… and Slava Ukraine!!

Gen Phil Breedlove, USAF
To the brave people of Ukraine – the thoughts and prayers of me and my extended family are with you on this day of your independence. Be assured, your righteous cause will prove victorious.
Paul Roderick Gregory
Professor, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
To the soldiers & commanders of Ukraine's Armed Forces — against all odds & expectations, you have set a historic example of a free people fighting over ten years for your National Independence — stay strong, focus on the future in the knowledge that your ultimate victory against aggression is supported by all freedom-loving people around the globe.
Dr. Phillip A. Karber
Professor of Strategy & Praxis
National Defense university